A revolutionary fashion brand that's changing the way we look at clothing.

The Search for Comfort in a Middle Eastern Style.
She is on a mission to change that, and we’re not afraid of the challenge. Our goal is to create a brand that truly values the wearer, and that means putting comfort first.
Fashion Reimagined. Introducing She, a Brand New Experience for the middle eastern women around the world.
Say hello to She, a revolutionary fashion brand that’s changing the way we look at clothing. At She, we believe that fashion should be about more than just buying a piece of cloth, it should be about creating a complete experience. With our focus on comfort, connection, and making you feel special, She is redefining the fashion industry one garment at a time.
  • Brand Strategy
  • Empathy Mapping
  • Brand Identity
She’s vision is to create a brand that valued the wearer and made them feel special and connected to the world around them.
The first step in our process was to understand the challenge that She was facing. The traditional fashion industry is often limiting, focusing on style over comfort, and the team at She was determined to change that.
Connecting You to Fashion. She’s More Than Just a Piece of Cloth.
She is a brand that’s about more than just clothes. We believe that fashion should be a way to connect you to yourself, your surroundings, and the world around you. By creating garments that are not only comfortable but also make you feel special and connected, She is leading the way in a new era of fashion.
  • Brand Psychology
  • Customer Behavior
  • Market Research
To help She achieve their goal, we leveraged the power of color to create a brand that was not only visually stunning, but also communicated the values and mission of the brand.
We chose a combination of red and black, two powerful and evocative colors, to help She stand out in a crowded industry and make a bold statement.
She Red
She Black
She White
Together, the combination of red and black created a brand that was bold, confident, and sophisticated.
Our research showed that red is associated with passion, energy, and confidence, making it the perfect color to represent the youthful and energetic approach that She was taking to the fashion industry. Black, on the other hand, is a classic and timeless color that is often associated with sophistication and elegance.
At Ryveal, we’re proud to have been a part of She’s journey, and we can’t wait to see what they achieve in the future. With their passion, energy, and commitment to comfort and connection, She is sure to be a success for years to come.
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