Duvik is a premium medical wear brand that offers a personally customized experiences of clothes.

To craft a premium medical wear brand that speaks elegancy with a personal touch.
Duvik is aiming to elevate the medical wear industry to a whole new level, from just a daily work outfit to something luxurious, unique, and personally customized.

Branding a premium brand like Duvik, the main challenge was to convey an elegant and personally customized experience that enable Duvik stands out from the elegant brands crowds which have typical branding characteristics.

A customized premium approach that speaks elegancy.
A deep discovery journey into the fashion industry revealed Duvik’s differntial factor which is the unique personally customized brand experience, we’ve achieved that through the following:

  • Brand Strategy & Foundation
  • Brand Positioning
  • Target Audience Research
  • Customer Behavior
Positioning Duvik as a game changer in the medical field clothing.
We’ve focused on positioning Duvik in a way that changes how doctors, dentists and everyone working in the medical field dress, from a normal piece of outfit to a premium, high-end and exclusive piece of art. a one of a kind personally customized product just for them.
A distinctive hand signature wordmark built over a solid brand strategy that aims to personalize Duvik’s experience.
Ryveal emphasized the distinctivness attribute of Duvik in form of a one of a kind hand signature that represents Doctor’s handwritting.

  • Brand Strategy
  • Identity System
  • Packaging
  • Motion Graphics
One of a kind. A tagline developed to reflect the exclusivity of each Duvik product which is personally-customized.
Since each Duvik product is different and unique on its own, this becomes Duvik’s main differential factor, customizing each and every product to meet each customer’s need.
Leveraging the elegancy power of black & white.
With its elegant and minimalistic approach, Duvik needed a color palette that speaks elegancy and luxury in a glance, and what is better than a combination of black & white to do so? The brand color palette helped Duvik communicate its elegant personality across all touch points without saying too much.
This medical wear brand is truly a game-changer, offering premium, luxurious, and individually customized medical wear that is sure to inspire and impress. Whether you’re a doctor, dentist, or work in any other medical field, Duvik has something special to offer.
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Contracting Firm
Facilities Managment
StartPoint Corp | Ryveal